香港2017年11月16日上映:《再見魅了緣》(A Ghost Story)

■ 電影簡介

環球影片發行,由鬼才導演大衛羅利編導,與金像影帝加西艾佛力和金像影后提名朗妮瑪娜再度聯手,《再見魅了緣》(A Ghost Story)透過一個鬼魂對妻子、對人世眷戀的故事,探索失去與留下、放手與執念、還有人生與存在的意義。

■ 故事大綱


With A Ghost Story, acclaimed director David Lowery (Ain’t Them Bodies Saints, Pete’s Dragon) returns with a singular exploration of legacy, loss, and the essential human longing for meaning and connection. Recently deceased, a white-sheeted ghost (Academy Award-winner Casey Affleck) returns to his suburban home to console his bereft wife (Academy Award-nominee Rooney Mara), only to find that in his spectral state he has become unstuck in time, forced to watch passively as the life he knew and the woman he loves slowly slip away. Increasingly unmoored, the ghost embarks on a cosmic journey through memory and history, confronting life’s ineffable questions and the enormity of existence. An unforgettable meditation on love and grief, A Ghost Story emerges ecstatic and surreal – a wholly-unique experience that lingers long after the credits roll.

■ 電影資料

片名:《再見魅了緣》(A Ghost Story)
香港上映日期: 2017 年 11 月 16 日
導演:《Ain’t Them Bodies Saints》大衛羅利 (David Lowery)
主演:《情繫海邊之城》加西艾佛力 (Casey Affleck) 、
   《卡露的情人》朗妮瑪娜 (Rooney Mara)
電影網站:Official Website | Facebook
發行:環球影片(香港) [Universal Pictures (Hong Kong)]
網站:Facebook | Youtube | Instagram